
Posts Tagged ‘hopefulness’

I just finished watching a video, caught by a surveillance camera of the actual landing of Flight 1549 on the Hudson. I was amazed at just how smoothly the pilot, Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, landed the commercial airliner in the Hudson River.


Facing a catastrophic situation – Capt. Sully was quick to make a decision and act on it using his piloting skills resulting in minimal injuries and no loss of life. What surely could have had a devastating outcome, became the stuff of legend, heroes and inspired optimism. That, even while fearing the worst, the best can happen.

His well trained crew were also quick to seize the moment and led everyone off the plane to their safe rescue.

What makes us proud to be Americans was also shown as all those on the Hudson who could help came together, worked together and rescued all 150 passengers and 5 flight crew.

At the time, I was also watching the Obama inauguration train arriving in Washington, DC on TV.

Perhaps this extraordinary event – the remarkable safe landing and rescue of Flight 1549 is a good omen for our future.

That in spite of the catastrophe the Bush administration has created and is leaving us with, Obama will be able to seize the moment when he takes the wheel and steer us to safety.

Like the passengers of Flight 1549, we may have to endure a critical time in icy cold, and dangerous water.

Hopefully, Barack Obama will prove to be our Capt. “Sully”; his recent cabinet appointments will be his expert crew. And we, the people, seeing the need will answer the call and do whatever it takes to help salvage our country.

Ah, only three more days to go and Barack Obama will officially be our President.

Godspeed, President Obama.

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I woke up this morning and something seemed different. A new sense of calm. Of right direction. Not only for myself, but as something you can feel in the air.

I continue to watch some of the news about Obama’s new administration choices and what I find remarkable is that, with few exceptions – most are positive and hopeful. Even those stations that are pro-Republicans are somewhat toned down in their viciousness.

At the moment, I’m watching the Bush family welcome the Obama’s into the White House.

One of the things I feel is that with the Obama Presidency, all of us will be in there with him. I am hopeful that what I sensed in Obama as a candidate – that he will work on behalf of us, the American citizenry – and that he will keep us informed as to what is happening will in fact be what we experience.

I wonder if anyone else senses this shift in the air? That hopefulness for the future that seems to have permeated most everyone around the globe since his election. Only time will tell if all the ills of the past which derailed our country – and our planet – can be put back on a new track for the future.

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